Delta Games

Delta Games consists of the following 7 members:

- Jurre Berkhout
Born in Zandvoort, Jurre has shown keen interest in games since a young age. Starting out with the classic of classics: Counter-Strike. Ever since he played several games competetively and even won a couple of prices! After a failed study in Applied Physics, the Gametechnology study cought his eye and now he strifes to create a game that will one day be a classic.
His passion for games and technology will surely make up for his lack of programming experience and a keen eye for gameplay will prove to  be beneficial to Delta games and LSDude.

- Kevin Deelen

Born and raised in Ede. Kevin has been playing games since has was just a little child, starting out with Midtown Madness ( w00t ) and Halo 1. He started experimenting with programming when he was around 15 and he quite liked it! Having 1800+ hours in Garrysmod, he sure made programming one of his primary hobbies. His experience is bound to prove useful to both Delta Games and LSDude. Sadly, the only art he can do is programmer art...

- Luuk van de Wiel

Luuk was born in Venlo. Very early in his life, he already really liked games. When he noticed the study Gametechnology existed, his choice of study was one easily made. Once he was settled in Zeist/Utrecht, Luuk started with programming, something which he liked very much. He had a little bit of programming knowledge before he went to university, but this wasn't a lot. The knowledge which he gained through the courses, combined with his will to achieve greatness, will surely contribute to the success of Delta Games and LSDude!
- Ricardo Scholtus

Ricardo was born in Utrecht 19 years ago and grew up in Zeist. Ricardo has always liked games and computers.  Therefore, the choice of study was not too difficult for him when he realized that he had the ability to choose Gametechnology. His foreknowledge of programming was not too great before the start of the course. However, Ricardo's desperation and hard work will undoubtedly play a large role in the rise of LSDude and Delta Games!

- Koert Hup

Born in Almere, raised in Rossum and living in Kerkwijk. Ever since he was a little kid, Koert was always interested in computers and technology. The first photo of him and a computer was when he was about 6 or 7 years old. Back then he didn't know anything about what he was touching, but soon he found out that they were very useful. At the age of 10 he got his first own computer and soon he was 'addicted' to his first own real game: Space Invaders. This addiction never ended. As a matter of facts his addiction and interest in games only grew larger and larger. At some point playing the games was not enough anymore. He wanted more, so he decided to try to understand how the games were made and why they were made like that. To get a better a better understanding on how games are made and how to create games he found the study Gametechnologie in Utrecht. And like that he ended up on the awesome game studio Delta Games with the even more awesome game LSDude.

- Jordy van Opstal

Born and raised in Haarlem, Jordy Began playing games with a game called MDK when he was 4 years old, and never stopped since. Jordy didn't have any experience with programming before enrolling in GameTech, but quite liked what he has learned so far. passionate and dedicated, He'll try his very best.

- Robert Groot

Born and raised in Purmerend, Robert has had an interest in computers and especially in games. Started gaming young with a game like Pokémon and later games like Call of Duty and League of Legends. He had his first experience with programming in secondary school and liked doing it. So when he heard about the study Gametechnology in Utrecht the choice what to do after secondary school was pretty easy. Another hobby is playing football, but the focus now is working on the awesome game LSDude with Delta Games.

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